Half-marathon training is on! I’m running a race this year and I think you should too!

Half-marathons are no joke, but they’re also a fairly attainable goal with some training. I’m training for my eighth half-marathon, and I’m running the Austin Half-Marathon in February. It hasn’t been easy. I’m currently in a love/hate relationship with running. Training in the winter gives me struggles. It’s easy to choose a warm bed over a cold run in the dark. But I made completing another half-marathon one of my goals and to make a personal record, and I’m determined to make it my best run yet.
I chose to do a half-marathon because it’s a clear fitness goal for me. I have time to build up my strength and it accumulates into a finish line on an exact date. For me, training has consisted of keeping up with my gym workouts and getting the miles in weekly.
Maybe running a race could be one of your goals this year? Here are five reasons why I think you should consider running a half-marathon!
1. Meet Life List Goals
Is running a half-marathon on your life list? It was on mine. It’s a big accomplishment mentally and physically to achieve. If you run a 10-minute mile, it’ll take you a little over two hours to complete. That’s a whole lot of running!
2. Crush Work-Out Goals
For me, having a race goal is easier and more fun to visualize than a certain percentage of muscle or being able to do 10 push-ups in a row. Training schedules usually consist of running three to four times a week to work on speed and endurance. Running is a full-body workout, and through the training, I’m becoming more physically fit.
3. See a City
When I first ran the 3M Half-Marathon and Austin Half-Marathon, I loved running past landmarks I knew and neighborhoods I had never been to. I saw parts of Austin I don’t typically visit. When I ran the Peachtree Road Race, the world’s largest 10k, I had never visited Atlanta before, and it was like getting a tour of the city by foot. Signing up for a run is also a good excuse to make travel plans and visit a city you’ve never visited.
4. Get a Medal and Swag Bag
Half-marathons are races where you typically get a medal when you cross the finish line and a nice swag bag when you pick up your bib. These are little things in the grand scheme of things but they’re a badge of honor that reminds you of your commitment and accomplishment. For the Austin Half-Marathon, the swag bag will include an Under Armour running shirt and the medal can be worn as a belt buckle. Some races even award you with a pint of beer at the finish line.
5. Challenge Yourself Physically and Mentally
Do it because you can! I like races because you’re celebrating your strength and commitment. All that training, all the positive thoughts, and all those diet adjustments got you here. It feels so good to cross that finish line!

Ok, you all are going to run a race this year now, right? See you at the Austin Half-Marathon? 🙂
What are your favorite fitness goals? Do you have a favorite half-marathon race?
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