Austin Marathon has my name on it. I’m running my first marathon in February 2020!

That’s right. I’m doing it. I’m going to run a full marathon. The Ascension Seton Austin Marathon presented by Under Armour in February 2020 to be exact.
I felt great training for and running the Austin Half-Marathon this year. I earned a PR (personal record), my fastest half-marathon out of the eight I’ve run. See the full recap of the race here. Even after that run, I questioned the possibility of running a marathon. I talked to a handful of people who had run one and realized the only thing holding me back was my fear.
What was/am I afraid of?
- That I won’t be physically able to finish the race
- All the hours that will be dedicated to training
- Having to become a morning person for early morning runs
- What if I hurt myself during training or at the race?
- Sore muscles all the time
- Will my toenails turn black and fall off?
- What you would think of me if I don’t finish the race
I remember those tough days of training for this year’s half-marathon. I had a few miles left to run, it was cold, I was tired, and I hated running at that moment. I cursed myself for believing I could do it and for signing on to such a big task. Fear can keep you safe but it can also hold you back. The training was tough but the practice made my half-marathon experience better. Run after run, I grew to enjoy it. On race day, I learned I was stronger than I thought.
A marathon seems impossible because I have never tried it. Sometimes accomplishing a goal isn’t a matter of doing the impossible, it’s a matter of redefining the possible. I have a lot of fear but I also have ambition and dedication. I might fail but I also might cross that finish line. This will be the toughest physical challenge I endure, but with high stakes come high rewards. I’d rather fail when I try than not try at all.

I picked the Austin Marathon, especially for my first time, because
- I don’t need to travel out of town (this can add more anxiety to the whole thing)
- I won’t need to spend money on a hotel stay, transportation, etc.
- I can recover afterward in my own home
- I’m familiar with the course (I’ve run the Austin Half-Marathon twice) and the logistics of getting to the race
- There’s a big chance the weather will be perfect because of mild Texas winters
- I love Austin!
In addition to the pride and joy of completing a marathon, here are some of the perks for Austin Marathon runners:
- 2020 Under Armour Participant Shirt (I’m wearing last year’s cool shirt in these photos)
- Under Armour Swag Bag
- Belt Buckle Finisher Medal
- Professional Timing & Photography
- Live Athlete Tracking
- Live Music on Course
- 3 Block Long Finisher Festival complete with Live Music
- Access to the Oskar Blues Beer Garden (21+)

Want to run with me?
Do I have you convinced? 😉 I’m an Austin Marathon ambassador, which means I’ve got a discount code “ANITA2020” if you want to run the 5K, half-marathon, or marathon. No matter the distance, running this race is a lot of fun. Let me know if you’re up for the challenge!
Have you ever run a marathon? What tips could you give me?
Or what intense challenge have you accomplished?
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