What’s got me captivated lately? I’ll give you three: Random Love Punches, Peachtree Road Race and Atlanta.
The Universe timed this perfectly. Two very cool people I met in Vegas a few months ago, Amber and Bob, launched Random Love Punches and Random Ass Kicks, and it was exactly what I needed today. I kept Random Love Punches up at work all day, clicking through every couple of hours and letting some statements sit for a while as I pondered how they spoke to me. I particularly loved these two:
“Love them for exactly who they are, right now. No matter what they give you or don’t give you.”
“Love yourself. Every last piece of yourself, even the bits you desperately want to lock away or hurl into the nearest smoking volcano.”
Good stuff! Also, if you ever need some funny motivation, you got Random Ass Kicks at your fingertips.
Wednesday is AJC Peachtree Road Race 10K day! Although I’m not so excited about the running endurance part, I’m looking forward to experiencing one of the largest 10Ks in the world (60,000 runners!) and being in the exciting race atmosphere. Fingers crossed I won’t pass out from the heat; start time is around 8 a.m.!
This also means I’m going to visit Atlanta. Years ago, I was in my church’s youth choir and one summer, we toured through Atlanta for a day. The only thing I remember is how awesome the Superman ride at Six Flags Over Georgia was and how I bought a Superman t-shirt after the ride because superhero shirts were so in at the time. I’m looking forward to mastering the public transportation system, visiting The World of Coca-Cola and the Georgia State Capitol building, and hopefully eating some Atlanta cupcakes!
Happy 4th of July!