Captivations is a monthly feature with links, stories and news that captivated me. Take a look at all the things captivating me lately.
First Baby Shower
Y’all! Babies and baby showers have been few in my life but I was honored to be a part of my friend Sarah’s this month. Check out all the details here!

How to Host the Perfect Dinner Party
I use Bloglovin to read new posts from my favorite blogs. (Are you following Fearless Captivations on Bloglovin?) Bloglovin also has their own blogs and I thought this post with tips to host a dinner party was simple and on point.
Austin Passbook
A new edition of the Austin Passbook is here! It has 30+ buy one, get one deals, including an abundance of food trucks and activities. I’m looking forward to crossing off the many food trucks I’ve been meaning to try. This one runs from June 1 to October 31, so get yours on the website.

Currently Listening To:
–Can’t Stop The Feeling by Justin Timberlake
–Don’t Let Me Down by The Chainsmokers ft. Daya
Because Puppies Are Cute
If you ever get the opportunity to play with a puppy, TAKE IT! This King Charles Cavalier Spaniel stole my heart, especially since I had a Golden Cocker Spaniel growing up. So precious!

Keep up with me elsewhere! You can find me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, or Snapchat (@wanderlustanita). You can also subscribe to the exclusive email list.