Every once in a while I find myself in a panic from comparing my journey and successes to others’ (Don’t do it!). This article is written for the ladies but we should all remember that you can define success in any way that you want to and you should focus on doing the things you love through any outlet. Any other life lessons or thoughts about this?
I recently got back from my trip to Greece (read about my favorite sights and all the food and drinks we enjoyed) and I find my mind drifting back to the time we spent there. I loved Santorini and the colors of the island – many shades of blue against the bright white. I can’t wait for the weather to cool down more so I can wear the Santorini-colored scarf I bought there. What has been inspiring you recently?
Speaking of cooler weather, Autumn is almost in Texas weather-wise! I’ve started my list of things I want to do, which includes things like decorate pumpkins, watch football, and make mini pies. What are your favorite Autumn activities / what should I add to my list?
I started training for my fourth half-marathon happening in December and I’m slowly transitioning into a high-workout season to prepare for it. Right now it includes boot camp and more running and later it’ll also include going to the gym and yoga. I’m trying to fall into enjoying running again, and it’s an uphill climb after taking a long break! What goals are you working towards accomplishing before the end of the year?
Now that the Greece trip has come and gone, I’m itching to put new travel plans in the works. Wanderlust is one of my constant captivations! My current possibilities include: Costa Rica, San Francisco, Vancouver, and Japan. Where would you recommend?