Captivations is a monthly feature with links, stories, and news that captivated me. It’s also a monthly update/recap of what’s going on in my world. Here’s a summary for May 2023.

May Recap
The big things that happened this month were: Seattle and Alaska! I’ve been counting down to this big family trip all year and it quickly came and went. I’m so thankful it happened. I’ve been feeling drawn to focusing on family for the last year or so. Funerals and hospitals and almost deaths will do that to you. Life is short. Savor the time with people you love. Even if it’s on a cruise. 😉
The Barbie movie is coming out soon, and Vogue did a fun interview/profile on Margot Robbie about the film. It shares more about what the movie is about and the creative process behind it.
Your Struggle
What are you willing to struggle for? This article by Mark Manson shares why this is the most important question in your life.
Remembering the Man
This tribute Riley Blanks Reed wrote about her father, a former NBA player and ESPN analyst, is touching and thoughtful.
Domestic Workers in the U.S.
Because of one girl’s TikTok video, the conversation about indentured servitude in the U.S. has been brought to light again. Alex Tizon’s 2017 story in The Atlantic is a good reference also. The issue is that American families hire an immigrant, documented or not, as a domestic worker and abuse the power they have. Workers sacrifice their lives – not visiting home, not having savings, not gaining citizenship, and being somewhat isolated – while their employers knowingly keep the situation this way. This sacrifice is a small part of the more extensive conversation about the need for immigration reform and poverty in the world.
Guide to Meditation
Our world has gotten increasingly busy and our minds are always on the go. Meditation has become a necessity. If you’re like me, it doesn’t come easy. Finding 3-5 minutes to sit still and let go seems like a monumental task. But maybe this easy and quick guide can give you some beginning points to make space for consistent quiet in your life. You probably need it!
5 Things I Love Lately:
- This salad.
- Everything Everywhere All At Once – Finally watched this movie and it was so good!
- Natural conversation with strangers
- Sadie’s tribute by Terra
- Ted Lasso – said goodbye in its season 3/series finale
What have you been captivated by?