Here’s a recap of my March 2024. Captivations is a monthly feature with links, stories, and news that captivated me. It’s also a monthly update/recap of what’s going on in my world.

March Recap
In hindsight, March is one of my favorite months. It finally warms up and spring begins. Nature starts bursting with green and growth, and the abundant sunshine makes us wonder if it really had been gone this whole time. It’s a fresh start and the promise of rebirth. I don’t know if I’m doing life right but I can find the joy in the season and sometimes, that’s enough.
Here are some other highlights of the month:
- I competed in a barbecue competition by making dessert – a rollercoaster of an experience! The competition was more about the barbecue categories (ribs, turkey, and brisket), but the dessert category was equal weight in points. No pressure. While our team didn’t make the podium, the day was lots of fun and I’m proud of what we accomplished. The dessert had to be s’mores-themed and had to have chocolate, cookie, and toasted marshmallow elements. I’ve never made a cake this big and intricate. It was a 9lb, layered sheet cake! The cake had graham cracker crust, chocolate cake, graham cookie butter, 2 kinds of marshmallow icing, graham cracker buttercream, tuile crumbles, and toasted marshmallows.
- Dune: Part 2 came out. Did you see it? This epic movie series draws you in with the story, the landscapes, and the cinematography.
- The Austin Food Blogger Alliance published its annual City Guide! You can find our best recommendations for restaurants, drinks, and more.
- I chopped off 13 inches of hair! After a year of no haircuts, it was due, and with my hair being so long, I thought, why not donate it? The organization required at least 12 inches of hair and one day, a child will be wearing my hair as a wig. Local salon Urban Betty does half-price donation cuts and takes care of sending it in. My hair hasn’t been this short since I was a kid and it’s taking some time to get used to, but ultimately, it’ll grow back and the time for change felt right.
The Friendship Dip
How many close friends do you have? This article discusses the findings of a research study. Older people tend to have more close friends, maybe because of having more time. It also echoes what I’m seeing in my age range – priorities are on building careers and families and friendships are a lower priority or on the backburner.
Pay Attention
“This is the lesson of the dog. Life is better when we pay attention. Life is better with a sense of curiosity.” – Andrew Knapp
When I read the above quote, I thought back to a past Captivations post I had written. I was surprised to find that post was almost two years ago. It makes me think that the best life hack is being able to let go and know that life moves fast.
Attention Cost
Another way to think about attention is what it costs, what you’re sacrificing. You have a limited capacity. When you pay attention, you’re directing your time and energy to what matters the most to you.
Retirement Goals
People saving for retirement need to save over $1 million to retire. I wish I had started earlier but I’m glad I’m in a place where I can save. Here’s a beginner’s guide for you.
Life’s Impermanence
A quote from Andrew Anabi, an entrepreneur and writer, about slowing down is below. In slowing down, maybe we’ll have deeper experiences.
“When life changes, you will probably miss the way it was. You may miss those long morning drives or walks to the office, or those hectic family gatherings. You may miss them because those moments are finite — you will only travel those streets and see those people a certain amount of times.
Every time you do something that is one less time you do it. One day you will do something the final time and you will rarely know when that day comes.
For all you know, today might be the last time you walk in a particular neighborhood. Or it might be the last time you smile at a particular someone. To think otherwise, would be foolish. Nothing is guaranteed, except this moment. Your only real choice is to cherish every exchange like it is your last — because it very well might be.
Therefore, the best way to cherish life is to remind yourself of life’s impermanence. It is to remember that every time you see someone that is one less time you see them. It is to remember that every time you go somewhere that is one less time you visit. By doing this, you naturally slow down. Almost like a reflex, you start to truly live.”
5 Things I Love Lately
- Mini-golf
- Making time for hikes
- Post-dentist-visit teeth
- Moving through big change
- Really good pizza