Captivations is a monthly feature with links, stories, and news that captivated me.
This month was kind of awesome and emotional. There were some days when I felt really low. Things like rejection emails and a possible dairy/cheese allergy bum me out and trigger downward spirals. They don’t last long, but it’s hard to speak positive affirmations when you feel like you’re not worthy. Thankfully, a lot more awesome happened, and I attended a handful of restaurant tastings, accomplished big work projects, wrote a few blog posts I’m especially proud of, and spent a good amount of time with friends. You got to take the good with the bad!
Life Coach Lessons
Do you have a life coach? Different from a therapist, a life coach will help you envision your best future and talk through the steps to get there. This post from Oh Joy shares life lessons she learned through life coach sessions.
Doing the Best Work
We are constantly asking ourselves if we are doing the things we want to and if we’re doing it efficiently. This list of seven questions will help you strip away the unnecessary and live and work to your potential.
Girl, Wash Your Face
I finished reading Rachel Hollis’ book Girl, Wash Your Face this month. It was a humbling experience that comforted me, gave me a kick in the butt, and encouraged me. Here are some of my favorite quotes from the book:
- Every day you’re choosing who you are and what you believe about yourself, and you’re setting the standards for the relationships in your life. Every day is a chance to start over.
- Sometimes it was a small change and sometimes it was life-changing, but in every circumstance, I grew for having walked through it. Friends, it’s not about the goal or the dream you have. It’s about who you become on your way to that goal.
- Maybe you have to walk through this space you’re in to be ready for that. Nothing is wasted. Every single moment is preparing you for the next.
- There are hundreds of ways to lose yourself, but the easiest of them all is refusing to acknowledge who you truly are in the first place.
How The Environment is Changing
It’s interesting to see how the current U.S. president is impacting the future of our environment. Here’s a running list.
Why Americans are Having Fewer Babies
Survey says…the top reasons are expenses and wanting more free time but there’s a whole list of reasons in this article. Somewhat related, I’ve been thinking, are we the busiest or the laziest generation? When “they” told us we could have it all, they didn’t mention that it would be at the expense of our time, so we strive and strive for more until we’re burnt-out and can’t fathom adding kids to the mix. But we also want instant gratification, overnight success, and magical fixes, sometimes with the least work needed, making us either lazy, ungrateful, or overly optimistic. It sounds like we need more of less.
It’s Just That Hard
Related to the above discussion, we have made “having it all” so glamorous that we’re stressing people out. I love this article titled “Dear mama, you’re not doing it wrong, it’s just that hard.” One, it summarizes what I think about having kids right now. I’m still on the fence, but I’ve come to accept that being a mom would be the toughest role I’d ever have and it’s not always baby cuddles and serene moments. It will be tough and it’s just how it is. Two, I like the honesty that there are hard parts of life! We get so used to seeing the happy highlights, it’s nice to remember we also all struggle, whether it’s raising kids, or many times for me, feeling like I’m not enough. Life is hard but we press on for better days! We’re meant to do hard things.
Now Listening: Music Recs
– Hold On by Overstreet
– Can’t Help Falling In Love by Kina Grannis
How Instagram Stories Has Altered Our Lives
Do you use Instagram Stories or Facebook Stories? This article talks about how these have changed our lives. We’re all living our own reality shows and the article questions whether or not we’re having as much fun as we make it seem. There are many great things about these app features, but how is it affecting how we feel about ourselves?
This month I started “soft training” for my next half-marathon (the Austin Half in February), meaning I started running two miles weekly. My last half-marathon was February last year, but I’ve been working out consistently, so running hasn’t been completely awful. (Current status: tolerating running) After running seven half-marathons with little training, I’m actually going to train this time, all the way up to 12-mile practice runs! Wish me luck!
Why are 54% of Millennial Women Not Feminists?
Feminism is a strong word that is sure to conjure certain thoughts and images, and for some, the movement has become too extreme. Can you be conservative and a feminist? Give this article a read. Somewhat related, we’re in a political time where we are quick to draw lines. It’s great for self-identity and finding a connection with others, but it’s also increasing the divide between differences. I recommend reading What Unites Us: Reflections on Patriotism by Dan Rather if you’re interested in this subject!
Collections of Confiscated Items
Years ago, a janitor began collecting objects confiscated from migrants at an Arizona processing center. (Some argue he stole these items from the government.) He photographed the objects for a project he calls “El Sueno Americano” (The American Dream), and the result is haunting.
Seconds, Please!
I found a cool food YouTube channel for you. The series documents stories and traditional recipes from Canadian immigrant families.
Best Romantic Comedies Ever
What’s your favorite romantic comedy? For the longest time, my favorite movie was How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. I also love Sweet Home Alabama, Amelie, and 10 Things I Hate About You. There are a few movies on this list I haven’t seen, including When Harry Met Sally! Also, here’s an article about why romantic comedies are great.
A Good Month for Asians
Speaking of romantic comedies, did you see Crazy Rich Asians yet? It’s a cute and exciting new romantic comedy. I wrote all about it (yes, spoilers!) and why representation matters. I also loved Netflix’s new romantic comedy To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, based on the young adult fiction novel of the same name. Crazy Rich Asians is also based on a book and BOTH Crazy Rich Asians and To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before got green lights for sequels!
What’s got you captivated lately?
P.S. Did you see my post about scuba diving this month?
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