Captivations is a monthly feature with links, stories, and news that captivated me.

Being out of town one of the four weeks in March really made the month fly by. The weather is thankfully warming up. Winter was surprisingly hard on me this year, and I feel like I’m finally thawing out and wanting to be social again. Lots of good things are coming in the next few months (i.e. the new Avengers movie, Game of Thrones, and some exciting projects) and I’m looking forward to it! By the way, did you see my post about my goat farm visit?
Social Media and Private Property
A colorful wall is sure to catch the eye of photographers. What if this color is on the exterior of a house and people are constantly on your doorstep? That’s the predicament of the owners of Savannah’s Rainbow Row houses. This article gives all the details.
Taylor Swift’s Birthday Lessons
Taylor Swift turns 30 this year and she wrote a list of the 30 lessons she’s learned. It reminds me of the best things about the 30s and how this milestone can make you feel so much more secure in who you are and are becoming.
And Into the 40s
Similarly, I saw this article about what a woman has learned in her 40s. A few things are similar to Taylor Swift’s list, though worded differently.
Chef Advice
I was watching an episode of Chef’s Table and this from Chef Asma Khan talking about her father was meaningful to me: “One day, he took me to my family’s ancestral fortress, and he took me up to one of the towers, and he pointed out the slums that were below. He said, ‘It’s an accident of birth. You could have been there, or you could have been here.’ And he told me, ‘Use your life to make a difference, because being in a position of privilege, you have a duty. To lift others up.’ That kind of education, it left a deep impact on me.”
This article about whether or not to become a parent is a good one. Author Austin Kleon had some similar words in this How I Parent article. I also liked this New York Times article ‘What to say when people ask you why you aren’t having children.’
Reading Fine Print
Do you read the fine print of contracts? One woman read her insurance company’s contract and in the fine print, discovered a contest they had inserted and won $10,000!
The Highwaymen on Netflix
We recently watched the movie The Highwaymen starring Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelson. It’s about Bonnie and Clyde and the Texas Rangers that hunted them down. It’s so baffling how these murderers were so young (Bonnie was 23 and Clyde was 25 when they died) and how idolized they were, to the point of their dead bodies being mauled by a crowd in the hopes of obtaining a souvenir. Have you watched anything interesting recently?
Iditarod Race
I was intrigued by this Vogue article about the Iditarod Race. The Alaskan race involves 938 miles in eight to 15+ days with teams of a musher and 14 dogs. I’m hoping to watch The Great Alone, a documentary on Netflix about the race soon.
Chef David McMillan wrote this piece for Bon Appetit about why he became sober and how sobriety has affected his restaurant.
Words to Not Use in Restaurant Reviews
This critic’s article was a thoughtful one for me. I cringe whenever someone describes
The Same Meal Every Day
While I would be happy to wear a uniform to work, I’m not sure I could eat the same thing for lunch every day. But there are plenty of people who do. It makes planning easy. You know what to expect. How do you feel about this?
Broken Justice
This video explains it all.
Women Heroes
I found this Etsy shop and love the designs of women heroes, real life and fictional. I also liked this National Geographic feature about women photographers who are able to connect with people men can’t.
Emilia Clarke
You may have heard this news from Emilia Clarke, the actress most known for her role in the TV series ‘Game of Thrones.’ She survived two brain aneurysms in 2011 and 2013 and wrote about the experience in this New Yorker article. Her experience has inspired her to start a new non-profit called Same You. It aims to increase access to neurorehabilitation for those affected by a brain injury or stroke.
What’s got you captivated lately?
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