Captivations is a monthly feature with links, stories, and news that captivated me.

Spring Has Sprung
This season is giving me life! I’m trying to slow it down and fully enjoy it. With so much going on and the desire to take advantage of all of it, life gets busy. This month was all about spotting bluebonnets, watching the rain showers, and eating all the crawfish (THREE crawfish boils!). I also saw Chvrches in concert! They’re a Scottish synth-pop band that I’ve liked for years. Their third and latest album is my favorite one so far.

21 Benefits of Owning Less
This list about the benefits of owning less is great. When there’s less, the more important things come into focus more easily.
Avengers: Endgame
We saw the movie on opening weekend and I’ve been thinking about it constantly. Since the first Iron Man movie came out in 2008, Marvel has taken us on a very long and adventurous journey through 22 movies. We’ve fallen in love with characters (for me: Iron Man, Thor, and Doctor Strange) and have been fanatical about how the stories fit together. We’ve cheered their victories (Black Panther), laughed at all the jokes (Thor: Ragnarok and the Guardian of the Galaxy movies), and felt the dread (Avengers: Infinity War). Endgame was the best reunion. It wasn’t perfect, though it’s hard to give every character enough screen time, but it was a special ending. Thank you, Marvel!
Kids on the Internet
If I have kids in the future, I think I will still agree with this post. There has to be some level of privacy, especially without permission. It’s a hard line to balance for people who share their life on the internet. I like following blogs that feature a blogger’s cute kids, but it’s also very creepy that I could pick their kids out from a group if asked. What do you think?
China’s Bottomless Thirst for Milk
Every day before school, my mom made us drink a tall glass of milk. I never liked the taste of milk. This article talks about how milk became a status symbol for Chinese people, which is a little baffling to me because Asians are known for their lactose intolerance. But the Chinese consumption of milk means the need for more cows, which poses some environmental concerns.
I’m Sorry
Stop saying ‘sorry’ they say. Is there a way to say “I’m sorry you’re going through a rough time” without making it sound like you’re the cause? I’ve started to say “I’m sad you have to go through that” or “that sucks that is so frustrating” instead of sorry. What do you say? It’s interesting that this article notes how often men and women say sorry. (Spoiler alert: women say it more often.)
Powerful Women Hope for the Future
Forbes put together this article with six entrepreneur women under 30. It’s got some inspiring insight.
Speaking of female entrepreneurs, Laura, my friend from middle school, is the founder of a company called Brightly. It helps connect consumers to ethical and sustainable products. I love that they encourage people to “shop for good and change the world in the process.” Take a look at their website and happy shopping!
Late Term
These examples are why I believe abortion should be a choice made by the mother. Can you imagine enduring a traumatic birth of your child knowing he won’t survive? What about knowing your baby will not survive and having to live through the months pregnant until he can be birthed? Or watching your child “live” with constant seizures and watching him suffer? It’s nice to believe in miracles but I think the mental and physical health of the mother should come first and she should be able to make the decision about what happens to her body.
Overabundance of Choice
Options are nice but studies have shown that too many options are a bad thing. Having too many good choices creates anxiety. Yep, it’s FOMO back to get us again.
More Money Than She’ll Ever Spend
What’s it like to be an heir? This interview with Abigail Disney, the granddaughter of Walt Disney’s brother, is eye-opening. They estimate her net worth to be $500 million, and she’s given away over $70 million since she was 21 years old.
Nearly 11 Million Donated to Charity
Alan Naiman earned about $67,200 annually and was known for living frugally. When he died of cancer at age 63 a few months ago, everyone found out he had left nearly $11 million to charities. See his story here.
What’s got you captivated lately?
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