Captivations is a monthly feature with links, stories, and news that captivated me.

Goodbye, 2019!
Can you believe it’s time to say goodbye to another year, another decade?! It’s been a good one for me (recap coming soon) and I hope 2020 brings you all the things you are hoping for. Here’s one last Captivations post with all the things I’ve bookmarked this month. Happy reading! (Oh, and all those dog photos above? It’s Kaira‘s world. We just live in it.)
Getting Ready for a New Year
You may be brainstorming resolutions and writing goals. Here are some articles to help with that.
- How to Find Purposeful Work
- How and Why do a Life Audit
- 8 Lessons Learned Studying World-Class Achievers
- 30 Lessons Learned at 30
The Benefits of Being Alone
This New York Times article describes why it’s good to find some alone time. Introverts like me crave it, but it’s beneficial for all to think and go within.
Stop Trying to Raise Successful Kids
This was an interesting article about how parents think they’re raising their kids and what is really happening. Did your parents value success or kindness most?
Food Access Inequity
What happens with displacement? In Austin, it means low-income communities are pushed to live in the edges of the city where access to healthy resources, like food, are harder to find. This post gives a good explanation.
Year of Women
This article of 19 powerful moments for women will inspire you.
But if you run, why aren’t you skinnier?
Good question. This post does a great job of answering it. Basically, we have been conditioned to think that skinny means healthy and/or athletic. Our bodies process the food we eat and the exercises we do differently. It’s time to look at ourselves and others with a new lens.
Inappropriate Questions
Someone asked me when my baby is due because after you get married, you get pregnant, duh. So, related to that, here are 10 questions we should ask instead.
How Blogging Has Changed
Angie, the travel blogger of Angie Away, wrote a post about the changes she’s seen in the blogging world in her 13 years of blogging. If you’re a blogger, this post will hit close to home. If you’re not a blogger, this gives some interesting insight into what goes into blogging.
Greta Thunberg
The amount of courage, conviction, and drive of Greta Thunberg, the TIME person of the year, is inspiring and troubling. Inspiring because when was the last time you stood for something and did everything you can to make a change? Troubling because how many people have said she’s wrong and don’t see the severity in what she is advocating? I hope in 2020, we are kinder to our earth.
Is one of your goals to cook more in 2020? Cooking at home is cheaper than going out. I’ll tell you more about my cookbook challenge soon (I did one in 2013 and in 2018), but here are lists of the best cookbooks and best baking cookbooks to inspire you.
The Tacodeli Story
One of my favorite Austin taco shops turned 20 this year! This interview with the co-owners gives some insight into their journey.
Auschwitz Love Story
If you want to read a sweet love story, this New York Times article is a good one.
What’s got you captivated lately? See you in 2020!
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