Captivations is a monthly feature with links, stories, and news that captivated me.

Listening and Learning
When things have gone on too long, they rise to a boil, to an eruption. There are so many discussion topics, so here are things I’ve learned and/or wanted to share.
- We are all at fault. We may not be blatantly racist but we have not been anti-racist. (Here’s a good post about what that means.) We might not be doing bad but we’re also not doing good. For me, that’s things like repeating/joking about stereotypes and letting things slide to avoid confrontation. We can all be doing more. It will be very uncomfortable and emotional and it will be a long journey. This change won’t happen overnight, but it is necessary if we want to protect human lives.
- I’m Asian American. In U.S. history and to this day, Asian Americans did whatever they could to fit in. They worked hard, they adopted white traditions and beliefs, and they did whatever was needed to stay within the lines and not cause trouble. We’ve stayed behind the privilege of being someone who white people did not oppress or discriminate “as much.” We’ve reasoned that even as a person of color, we didn’t need to join this fight. Maybe we thought if we didn’t join, we wouldn’t have to re-live or acknowledge the racial hate and pain toward us we have endured. Maybe our own prejudice keeps us from standing up. But silence is not the answer. Without the sacrifices black people have made, Asian Americans would not have the rights we have today. This is a list of ways Asians perpetuate the anti-black racism. This is a list of ways to show our allyship.
- I am going to be anti-racist. I’m going to educate myself by reading books and articles. I’m going to recognize systematic racism and call it out. I’m going to donate to organizations doing the work. I’m going to continue celebrating restaurants and businesses run by people of color. This isn’t a “this month only” thing. It’s an ongoing process. I may get things wrong sometimes but my intentions are good. Thank you for teaching me and sharing with me!
- Organizations to donate to: Color of Change, Austin Justice Coalition
May Recap
- I just started week 12 of working from home. I’m thankful to have a job and thankful we have the opportunities to build the future of our company. Sometimes I feel survivor’s guilt and working from home can be lonely, but I keep looking for the silver lining.
- One of my quarantine purchases was a bicycle, and we did three fun trail rides (Lady Bird Lake, Walnut Creek, and McKinney Falls) this month. One of the rides ended because of me taking a bad fall, but it was mostly bruises and deep cuts.
- I’ve loved our CSA boxes! In case you missed it, this post has all the details.
- Other things filling my time: walks and dog park with Kaira, baking desserts and bread, reading
Changed Way of Life
One thing I will remember about this time at home is I’ve gotten a taste of what I want my life to look like and I’ll work harder to keep it that way.
- The way I stop the busy
- The way I’m slowly decluttering and making my home space feel as comfortable, engaging, and filled with love as possible
- The way I’m looking for joy triggers
- The way I dream about living on a farm. One inspiration is this interview with YouTuber Li Ziqi who documents her rural life in China. Another is The Rural Diaries, a memoir by actress Hilarie Burton
This article about being an essential restaurant worker was eye-opening.
Save Our Farms
Survey says a third of small, independent farms will be bankrupt by the end of 2020. This post was very informative. Will you help your local farm?
Why Am I So Emotional?
One thing I’ve been learning is why I’m so emotional and how I can process my emotions. This article was helpful! I’ve long joked that I’m not emotional. I’m learning that I do have emotions and I get to the point of “so emotional” because I’ve become accustomed to not recognizing, processing, and accepting them. Writing and journaling have helped.
This comic strip about not having kids is helpful.
Stop Being Scared
This is a list I would need to come back to again and again. A lot of the things on this list are about being ok with being uncomfortable. When we don’t understand or know something, it’s easy to choose fear instead of facing the fear head-on.
Podcasts for Creatives
I’m finally getting into podcasts. I think they’re good for learning more about a topic in short spurts or getting more content from someone you like, like an author or entrepreneur. This list has 16 podcasts for creatives.
Mental Health While Working Remotely
I’m very thankful to have the opportunity to work from home. This has been my desire for years! But it’s taken some time to develop better habits to make sure it is productive all around. This article gives some suggestions on that. I’ve gotten over the continuous snacking, I take breaks in my backyard during the workday, and I’ve started journaling more.
68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice
He turned 68 so he shared 68 life lessons. Two I like: “Promptness is a sign of respect” and “If you are not falling down occasionally, you are just coasting.”
What’s got you captivated lately?
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