Captivations is a monthly feature with links, stories, and news that captivated me.
But Why?
There is purpose in this season. Maybe it’s so you can learn to be comfortable with sadness to give you more empathy. Maybe it’s telling you to slow down and see things differently. Maybe it’s so you can look back and think wow, I got through it. We’ll look back and find all the invisible strings that tied our lives together, the cause and effect, leading us where we were meant to be. (Yes, Taylor Swift reference!)
Eat Your Books
My goal of cooking through a cookbook in a year (here’s year 1, year 2, and I’m currently on year 3) is my way to actually use my cookbooks. This website takes it to another level by allowing you to select your cookbooks and then help you cook recipes in them. I’m not cooking through a cookbook next year, so I may use this website to cook from the handful of cookbooks I have.
Top Chocolate Makers in the U.S.
I’m a fan of craft chocolate. There is so much opportunity in this industry to improve the quality of the product and the livelihoods of those who make it. (Read this post to learn more.) Megan of Chocolate Noise is an expert in craft chocolate and she shared her list of the top 50 makers in the U.S.
Here’s an immigration story from someone you might know of – musical artist Selena Gomez.
Eco-Friendly Home Cleaning Hacks
I started using Tru Earth for my laundry detergent. They are detergent sheets that disintegrate in the water. They’re an eco alternative to big plastic jugs of laundry detergent. Tru Earth has a post about more ways we can be more eco-friendly. Take a read.
World Numbers
This website is keeping track of world statistics and it is interesting and a little sad to watch.
Friendship Over Romance
This article is so important! When and how should friendships be prioritized over a romantic relationship? I also recently finished the book Big Friendship, which echoes the same idea. As someone who has been taught that your marriage is the end-all relationship, making friendships a priority is simple yet eye-opening. Have you heard about this?
Today’s The Day
This sweet comic from Mutts by Patrick McDonnell made me smile. There are so many pups out there waiting for a chance, so adopt don’t shop! (We adopted Kaira at eight weeks from her foster mom, so she never experienced the shelter. It makes me so sad thinking about pups in this situation!)

The Secret to Happiness
Did you know there are four stages in a happy event: anticipation, savoring, expression, and reflection. It’s not only the event itself that can bring you good feelings. Do you encourage all the stages in your life?
Year in Photos
These are some incredible photos illustrating the world this year.
What to Buy
I thought this list of eight questions to ask before you buy sale items was a good reminder! I know a good deal is a tempting reason to buy something but it’s good to remember it doesn’t need to be the reason you do.
I celebrated my birthday in November! It was a little different but kind of the same. My work family started my day with a lovely Zoom serenade, my friend Dan made me an extravagantly delicious dinner, and Will and I went out to dinner. Of course, there was cake! Most years would include a group activity but a more intimate and quiet time was fine with me.
On the Blog
Did you catch all my posts in November? Here are some you might have missed:
- Have you ever seen Mozart’s light show?
- This Holiday Gift Guide has tons of ideas for you!
- If you want to shop in Austin, Blue Genie Art Bazaar is one of my favorite places.
- These are the Austin dessert deliveries I’ve ordered recently
What’s got you captivated lately?
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