Captivations is a monthly feature with links, stories, and news that captivated me. It’s also a monthly update/recap of what’s going on in my world.

The Snow Storm That Took Down Texas
Unbelievable, crazy, terrible. If you’re in Texas, I really hope you are recovered, physically and mentally.
I heard of power starting to go off Thursday, Feb. 11th but it got exponentially worse for us and many others on Tuesday, Feb. 16th. It started snowing the afternoon of Valentine’s and by the time we woke up on Monday, Feb. 15th, there were almost six inches on the ground!
It was great that Monday. We still had power (though I didn’t have cell service), so we worked from home and took breaks to play in the snow. Then we lost power around 2 a.m. Tuesday. We wore lots of layers and warmed up with hot tea and food (we have a gas stove and grill). Then our water started going out Wednesday and we decided to jump ship by the afternoon. We loaded up the car and stayed Wednesday night at my sister-in-law’s house which had power but lost water when we arrived. On Thursday afternoon, we moved to my sister-in-law’s boyfriend’s house nearby which had power and water, though no hot water. I took my first hot bucket water shower since Tuesday (I hadn’t washed my hair since…Sunday maybe?) and it was amazing! We went home Friday morning because we found out our power and water had returned!
I’m thankful for:
- The timing of meat and vegetable deliveries the week before. We never worried about having enough food.
- Our supply of fleece blankets and warm clothes. We didn’t get unbearably cold, though warming up in the car with the heat felt so good.
- Our supply of candles
- Having a gas stove and grill. We could still cook our food.
- Safe travels as we went to stay with family. We drove down I-35 and it was an easy trip.
- Family with power and water who took us in. It helped our mental state!
- All the yummy things our friends fed us. We ate so many healthy, delicious things!
- The feeling of safety and warmth. Did anyone else realize they take power and water for granted?
- No damage to our house
- Our pup Kaira being flexible through it all. She really loved the snow!
- People helping others in their neighborhoods – sharing supplies, information, etc.
- People who organized donations, assistance, and partnerships to help the city
- Businesses that have gone beyond to give back and help – HEB, breweries providing free filtered water
But I didn’t realize the toll this terrible week would have on my mental state! I learned moving through the stress cycle is really important!
On the to-do list now: making sure people in our community can recover and rebuild by donating to local organizations, prepping our emergency kit, and demanding accountability.
Is the Customer Always Right?
Short answer: no. Entitlement has changed the way customers interact with businesses and in pandemic times, service is taken for granted. At my day job, I’ve heard the threat of “I’m going to blast you on social media” and stories of customers using profanity towards employees many times because they don’t get their (usually unreasonable) way. This article talks about the unhealthy expectation that customers have towards hospitality workers and why they don’t see their jobs and/or chosen careers in hospitality as legitimate professions. It’s a reminder to be kind and tip well!
We recently finished watching the show Warrior, which was conceptualized and based on the writings of Bruce Lee. The show depicts San Francisco’s Chinatown in the 19th century, complete with gangs, discrimination of Chinese and Irish immigrants, and class wars. It has a lot of drama and some cringe, graphic fights. I loved the show because it shows Chinese immigrant history in a new way, though it was hard seeing the racism in action. This article shares more about the show and how important it is. I hope Asian stories and representation continue to break through in the media.
Life is Art
“I think everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress. The way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality. What you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea. How you decorate your home. Or party. Your grocery list. The food you make. How your writing looks. And the way you feel. Life is art.” ― Helena Bonham Carter
I’ve been thinking about this quote lately. When we think of “art,” the first thing that comes to mind is probably a physical painting or sculpture. Art, “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination,” encompasses so much more and translates to so many things!
Finances and Budgeting
One BIG thing that has taken a lot of time and headspace lately is our finances and budgeting! Will and I started working on the bigger picture around our savings and spending last summer. We are very privileged to have a comfortable lifestyle, so being more aggressive with our budgets and saving is a champagne problem. It also makes me think – do other people plan their long-term and retirement goals? Having “enough” savings is one thing, but actively funding your retirement so that you can actually retire around 65? I definitely didn’t have this knowledge or concern when I started working! I’ve gotten tips from Making Sense of Cents, Dave Ramsey, and The Confused Millennial. Where do you learn about finances?
Lunchbox Moment
I hadn’t heard of the term lunchbox moment until I read this Eater article. It is the “general idea of childhood embarrassment, shame, anxiety for immigrant children when unboxing ethnic lunches at school.” It’s interesting how pop culture and the prevalence of lunchbox moments have shaped a view of them. If lunchbox moments were a frequent occurrence in my childhood, I’ve blocked them from my memory. However, I definitely remember one time in high school when I threw away my lunch because I was embarrassed by how my classmates thought it smelled.
I Miss It
This website provides background noise as if you were sitting in a bar.
What’s got you captivated lately?