Captivations is a monthly feature with links, stories, and news that captivated me. It’s also a monthly update/recap of what’s going on in my world.

Hi, June! Bye, June!
Remember last summer when we were at home all the time? We’re still mostly doing that, but is it flying by just as fast? My June included lake weekends, random Fridays off, lots of workouts, cold treats, and my first spin class in more than a year. We went to Waterloo Adventures, the inflatable obstacle course on the lake, and it was a lot of fun! I also visited Johnson’s Backyard Garden (pictured above) to pick flowers that have brightened our house. Altogether, it was a good, solid summer month!
The Designed Studio
I’ve slowly worked on adding special touches to our home to give it some warmth and personality. It has long been a house of stuff but not necessarily things that spark joy. I saw this Domino feature on the house of Joy Cho, founder of Oh Joy!, and I love the bold design. I’ve shied away from color but this design almost seems colorful yet simplistic. Maybe it’s the lack of clutter and the cohesive design.
Swallowed By a Whale
Did you hear this story? Can you imagine diving and then being inside a whale for 30 seconds?
Do You Like Working From Home?
Many lives were changed when companies transitioned to working from home last year. (Geeze, last year.) But what if you hate it? This article addresses that. I think a hybrid option (being able to work at the office and remotely) is a good solution. People want and need more flexibility or at least permission to have flexibility. (Just look at the stats about U.S. Americans not using PTO!)
Lunchbox Moments
I shared something similar to this a few months ago. Lunchbox moments are the experiences of children of immigrants when they felt shame or otherness. A moment is shared in this article and a new zine hopes to share more while raising money to support Chinatown restaurants.
What are you meant to do?
What is your calling? It’s at the intersection of something you’re good at, something that makes people’s lives better, and something that makes you feel appreciated. (See the image/article here.) I think most people don’t find their calling and maybe we’re putting too much importance on the word calling. It might be something they’re good at, but a calling goes deeper than a job. Do you have a calling?
Home Inspo
Speaking of home design, I happened upon this company that has some gorgeous homes on their website. It’s a good place for inspiration. This company helps people rent out their homes by the hour for photoshoots.
No Goals
I happened upon this article by The Minimalists recently and I’m a little speechless. As someone who is disciplined about making goals, having no goals sounds strange, but it’s a good argument. I realized while reading this that having goals is very much about feeling like I need to accomplish things. I think some of you can agree. Crossing things off a list or seeing a finished product feels great. I love having a game plan with things to do, but sometimes, too many things give a lot of stress! What do you think? Why do you or don’t you have goals?
5 Things I Love Lately
- Laura Shudder’s Old Fashioned Peanut Butter – Nutty
- Watching my garden grow – sunflowers, herbs, luffa, and more
- Sushi – I hadn’t eaten it in so long!
- Kaira – always
- Ice Cream – I had some great ones while researching this post
What’s got you captivated lately?
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