Captivations is a monthly feature with links, stories, and news that captivated me. It’s also a monthly update/recap of what’s going on in my world.

Life of a Dog
I’m not sure when I started following Andrew Knapp on Instagram but I know that seeing his pup Momo’s face in my feed brightened my day. Momo passed on July 16 after 13 years of adventures and it is so heart-breaking. Maybe it’s the way Andrew eloquently shares his experiences of raising his pups or maybe it’s because Kaira has become an irreplaceable part of our family. My friend Terra recently said goodbye to her beautiful pup Sadie and wrote this tribute. My heart already hurts thinking about the day the person mourning a pup’s loss will be me.
All this grief in saying goodbye has reminded me to savor the time together and to document more memories. I know words and pictures are no replacement but the act of reflection is good for the soul. In the two years of having my own pup, this experience has taught me that dogs are the best companions of unconditional love, simple play, and brave curiosity.
Is the Goal Happiness?
So many strive for happiness as the ultimate goal in life. Maybe there’s more to life than happiness. Maybe it’s finding meaning through belonging, purpose, transcendence, and storytelling. Watch this great TED Talk to get more details.
Summer Treats
I love summer flavors! We’ve eaten so many watermelons and our popsicle supply is always stocked. This post on Woks of Life shares some Asian desserts and the recipes for them! If you want more, check out my annual list of cold treats in Austin and my list of Austin Asian desserts.
The Life You Wanted
This was a good read. I’m reflective and thankful when I think back on the versions of me I’ve been. While the core of you remains similar, your thoughts, habits, and passions will shift. And it’s ok that they do! We’re ever-growing and becoming. I wish I had done this before, but I’m going to make a list of “things I know for sure” today and one day, I’ll look back on it and wonder what that know-it-all thought she knew. 😉
8 Organization Rules
You know I love tips on minimalism and organization! I’m always looking for things to let go of in my house. We don’t buy much stuff but we seem to still have a lot of it. A lot of it, the stuff, are things with some sentimental value or that I think I’ll need one day. These 8 rules are GREAT! The rule I’m currently learning: only buy a new product when one runs out. I love a good sale, especially when it’s for something we use consistently.
The Plastic Bag Store
This public art installation will open your eyes to consumption and convenience. I believe strongly in finding a solution to single-use plastics and excess packaging, but I admit, it is hard to avoid! The amount of waste we create is astounding.
Supporting Your Restaurants
I love what Table22 is doing for local restaurants. Their website provides a platform for restaurants to create subscriptions for their fans. Subscribing could mean getting a monthly pick-up of unique items like handmade pasta and special bottles of wine or even a seat to an exclusive event. It’s a way to support your favorite restaurants, especially when revenue can be unsteady.
Finding Joy
Did you know you can train your brain to be more positive? This NPR article will explain more and share three tips for making happiness a habit.
I loved this Modern Love story about a woman who was looking for her fantasy man.
Song Confessional
This Song Confessional is a fun invention in Austin! People can enter the confessional to tell their story and then musicians will turn the stories into a song.
5 Things I Love Lately
- Exploring new restaurants in Austin and revisiting favorites
- Ogi The Yogi’s vanilla basque cheesecake – see the details here
- Watermelon season – I hope you’ve gotten some good ones!
- Sharing leisurely meals with friends
- A new profile photo – peep it to the right!
What’s got you captivated lately?
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