Captivations is a monthly feature with links, stories, and news that captivated me. It’s also a monthly update/recap of what’s going on in my world.

I know I mentioned my enthusiasm for spring last month but it’s really here! As someone who gets cold easily and who lives for summer and the beach, I’ve felt the shift of seasons strongly over the last couple of months. Just like my yard that is starting to bloom and I feel more alive.
And along with the seasonal shift were so many events this month! I attended media events for the Museum of Ice Cream and at SXSW. I went out to eat more. We brought back our crawfish boil after a two-year hiatus. It was a strange and welcome return.
I’ve been constantly reminded of a song I first heard as a teen. “Every Season” by Nichole Nordeman illustrates the beauty of every season and how each season teaches us something new. The lyrics “still I notice You” are a reminder to me that there are majestic and sacred things always. Even when the hard things in the world make us feel desperate and sad, we know it’s a season and the season will change.
The buzzword is manifesting. As this article describes it, it’s “religion without the altruism” because of the belief that the universe (the god figure) is putting things into motion for what you want to come true. Manifesting can also be connected with extreme enthusiasm. What you want to come true will come true if you believe and follow the signs. It is woo-woo, but it has also given people the encouragement and belief to think differently and take risks.
The Cost of Clothes
There are many good points in this article about how much clothes should cost. It takes into account the privilege of buying sustainable brands, the marketing of fashion, and most importantly, why some clothes cost $5. Spoiler alert: it’s because the workers aren’t paid a living wage. I think the solution goes back to how we consume. Do we need to fill our closets until they’re overflowing? How are trends being brainwashed into us? How much waste is being produced because of the overconsumption of fast fashion?
A related conversation – thousands of orders were canceled when the pandemic started because companies knew they would be facing profit shortages. This hurt garment workers who are already underpaid and exploited. Read more about this here and how the organization Remake is striving to bring more accountability to the fashion industry.
I mentioned mushrooms as one of the things I love lately last month, and it’s true! I got these pioppini mushrooms from the farmer’s market and sauteed them simply with oil, onions, and garlic. So delicious! I want to try the fluffy-looking lion’s mane next. I read you can cook them like patties and they taste like crab.

Turning Red
I haven’t watched the new Disney Pixar movie Turning Red yet, but I’ve seen plenty of articles about its significance, like this one. The movie is centered around a 13-year-old Asian girl and brings Chinese culture and puberty into the discussion. It makes me emotional to wonder how kids these days are empowered when movies like this one – featuring Asian kids and illustrating real-life scenarios – are mainstream.
Self Portraits
March was Women’s History Month, and this article helped celebrate by sharing self-portraits. The way we see ourselves is a much deeper conversation, but seeing these photos is a taste of that. I love the artistry in these photos.
Chinese Bakeries
I’ve thought about Chinese bakeries (and the lack of them in Austin) for a long time now. Mooncakes & Milk Bread is a cookbook by Kristina Cho of the blog Eat Cho Food, and it was a delightful read. Her stories reminded me of my experiences exploring Chinese baked goods growing up. It made me very nostalgic, so I hope to make recipes from the cookbook soon!
March Posts
Here are some new posts you might have missed:
5 Things I Love Lately
- Spotting art around town by one of my favorite artists – Mike Johnston (the mural with the astronaut above)
- Trying new things like a palm reading
- Chocolate chip Oreo cookies
- Summer vacation planning – lots of weekend trips coming!
- This guy who draws people on the NYC subway
What have you been captivated by recently?