Captivations is a monthly feature with links, stories, and news that captivated me. It’s also a monthly update/recap of what’s going on in my world.

June Recap
June came and went quickly! I went on a long weekend trip to San Antonio, one of my favorite Texas cities. It is such a charming and slow-paced city. This Instagram reel gives a quick recap of the trip with lots of food! I’ll be updating my posts from six years ago soon. Otherwise, I’ve had dinner reservations every weekend and all were good experiences. I’ll give all the details in the upcoming Flavors post.
Are you paying attention?
I’ve been noticing a theme of attention and devotion lately. What interests and hobbies hold your attention? Do you notice your happiness? This post shares a lot of different and thoughtful points around this. Paying attention is at the base of making shifts in your life. By listening to your body, heart, and mind, you can know the truth about what you want and who you want to be. Some related questions to ponder:
- How does what you eat make you feel?
- How do caffeine, alcohol, and other mild-alternating substances mask your truth?
- Do you say yes when you want to say no? How does that feel in your body?
Related, have you been paying attention to the news? Many of us are blessed to not have our worlds rocked by political decisions but it’s getting personal now. If you need a primer on overturning Roe v. Wade, see this Skimm post or this Instagram reel. The very personal decision of having an abortion should be a right. This decision diminishes opportunities for people below the poverty line and puts the lives of many in danger. It has also opened the door to the government taking away additional rights.
How can you improve your life by paying attention?
Joy Generator
If paying attention is stressful, take a break and use the Joy Generator.
Books on Love
Love is always a topic and research. Just look at the number of books about love available. It’s subjective and changes in society, ways of life, and technology shifts our views. Have you read any of these books?
Most Wanted Gifts
What are people adding to their gift registry? This article shows the trend stats. Things that align with what I’ve noticed – green is a hot color for kitchens and in general, colorful dinnerware is popular. If you ask me, I think the Instant Pot or food processor are the top things you need in the kitchen.
League of Kitchens
I love how this company works – online cooking classes taught by an immigrant woman from somewhere in the world. We can connect to different cultures and kitchens easier than ever.
Farewell to Terlingua
A few years ago, I visited Terlingua and thought this quirky desert town was so interesting. It had already seen a lot of change, so I can only imagine what it looks like today. Texas Monthly published this article about it. I’m not sure it’s possible to preserve a place in its original state. Tourism, real estate, and the natural movement of people will dictate that. It is sad to think about; I’m sure you could say “it’s not what it once was” about somewhere you’ve visited. Government and organizations can help put policies and actions in place, but eventually, we have to accept change and adjust to it.
257 Questions
This list of questions to ask friends will keep you busy! In my experience, conversations with friends tend to ramble about random things and I’ve noticed a mutual feeling of wanting to get deeper in friendships. Using this list will feel awkward at first, but I think it’s a great starter to different kinds of conversations.
When you’re not sure what to think, look at the stats. Knowing what has happened can give you a place to start when making decisions on the future. Can gun violence be prevented? Well, stats say yes. This article of six (very reasonable!) things government can do to prevent shootings helped me understand the issue better. I think
Whale Encounter
I’ve seen a lot of big creatures while scuba diving but a whale is still on my list. This recap from Paul Nicklen, a wildlife photographer, about his encounter with a whale and her calf will fascinate you.
You Can Build It!
One of my favorite Instagram accounts currently is @angelarosehome. She’s a DIY home influencer and her stories usually include a full process of her building something with a dash of her fun and encouraging personality. If you look, there are TONS of female DIY home accounts, which I love because it empowers women to do home projects too. For help in DIY projects, Matriarchy Build is a company I found that connects people with DIY pros for consultations.
5 Things I Love Lately
- Stranger Things – the final episodes are here and it’s been really good!
- I read for 10.5 hours this month – making reading progress
- The fragrant jasmine plant in my backyard
- Going back to making kombucha
- Nature walks
What have you been captivated by lately?