Captivations is a monthly feature with links, stories, and news that captivated me. It’s also a monthly recap of what’s going on in my world.

August Recap
I admit time has gotten away from me. I always forget how much time putting together a blog post takes until I sit down to do it. And with the fullness of August and summer, deadlines were pushed and life was fully enjoyed. We celebrated multiple birthdays on different weekends – at the beach (photo above), on a boat, and singing karaoke – and on top of the usual life tasks, that was a lot!
The Secret to a Healthier Life
I love this 12-minute TED Talk about the secret to a healthier life! It summarizes many of the things I’ve been learning and noticing. “Fun is the secret to feeling alive.”
Work From Home Lessons
Do you have the luxury of working from home? I’ve been very lucky to do so. I echo many of the points in this article about what people have learned about working from home. The one thing I’ve learned this year is how to shut down. When you work from home, it’s always accessible and you can easily log in for a bit. I’ve had to check the time and shut down at the end of the day and decide not to respond to an email on the weekend. It’ll still be there when you return during work hours.
5 Balls of Life
I recently read this analogy of the five balls of life and it’s a good one to remember. Work will always bounce back but not family, health, friends, and spirit. Choose wisely. Many are, as evidenced by the “great resignation” or “great rethink.” People want to feel and live purpose in their work. See more in this article.
Simplifying Finances
One thing I think more about as I get older is finances. I’ve learned starting early (saving, investing) will get you further. This post on a financial blog I read regularly is a great primer and summary no matter where you are in your financial journey.
Words to Ponder
“The greatest work is the tireless effort to understand and be worthy of one’s life. When it comes to everything else, just give yourself a break. Work to make yourself as strong, and as good, and as available to the world as you can, so that when destiny calls, you’ll be ready, willing, and able to answer it. Be passionate about having this chance to live, and everything else will reveal itself to you at the perfect time.” – Andrew W K
Eating Healthier
Don’t get me started on the American diet. I’m a big believer that what we eat has direct impact on how we feel, how healthy we are, and success. This article about seven ways to get Americans healthier is so important!
Interview with a Princess
This interview with Meghan Markle gave me mixed feelings. It’s a clear example of how fame can stifle your life and put so much pressure on your perception. If you’re curious about her life now and some commentary about the past, you’ll enjoy this read.
Simple Times
This post is about 5 things to let go of for a simpler life. My favorite on the list – doing more. I typically have grandiose plans about what I can accomplish in a time period. But stressing out is not worth it! Let’s do less.
5 Things I Love Lately:
- Beachcombing
- Black Cake – finished this book and loved it
- Days off
- Top Gun: Maverick and Bullet Train – great movies I watched in theaters recently
- All the rain we’ve been getting recently is making things lush
What have you been captivated by lately?