Captivations is a monthly feature with links, stories, and news that captivated me. It’s also a monthly recap of what’s going on in my world.

I blinked and the month ended. Thank goodness for my camera roll to remind me of what happened in September. Not very exciting, it’s a bunch of work photos, but there was also:
- Roller skating – When’s the last time you’ve been? I haven’t in YEARS and it’s a lot more tiring than I remember.
- Lots of spin classes – Love Cycling Studio re-opened in a new location. I’ve missed spin classes!
- Bullet Train – Saw this movie in theaters for $3 Movie Day and it was very entertaining!
- Hadestown – This Broadway musical came through and it landed in my top 5 of live musicals I’ve seen.
- Football is back!
British vs American
This satire piece comparing an average contestant on a British baking show and an average contestant on an American cooking show is entertaining and telling. A bit cringey about how Americans are on a more intense level of competition. Do you see the truth in it?
Financially Supporting Parents
Have you thought about supporting your parents as they age? It’s a conversation we’ve been having as a couple in the last few years. It’s a thoughtful process of figuring out what you can do financially and what will be needed. It can be a scary and uncomfortable conversation. There are also some thoughts about what you think is owed to your parents. It is a longer conversation than what I’ll say here now, but this article on Refinery 29 relates to this conversation.
Speaking of things you didn’t know until you became an adult, here are some things I thought of:
- Cleaning the house is a constant task.
- Hangovers get worse.
- Grief and loss are more relevant.
- You can’t change someone. They have to see and want it for themselves.
- Life is very gray, not black and white.
- Maintenance and prevention will save you time and money. E.g. house repairs and health.
- You have to put in the time and effort to maintain something. E.g. friendships.
What would you add?
Cheapest Michelin Star Restaurants in California
I love a flawless dining experience and very likely you’ll find that in fine dining. If you’ve ever wanted to try a Michelin-star restaurant and you’re on a budget, here are 30 options under $200, including one for $50. We don’t have Michelin stars in Austin, but Pasta|Bar (see my experience here) is the closest thing since their concept in California has a Michelin star.
Why You Need a Break
The buzzword is burnout. It’s a big topic in the working world. This article gives 11 things to do to make sure you have a work-life balance to prevent burnout. I think a lot of the things come down to learning how to do nothing – not being productive, having downtime, and just relaxing.
The Bottle Man
You might have heard about Eliud Kipchoge who broke a world record running the Berlin Marathon, but did you hear about his bottle man Claus Henning-Schulke? Hydration is an important detail when it comes to running a race. Perfect timing and hand-off at 13 aid stations were crucial factors to execute the best performance. This article on Runners World has all the details, including a video featuring Henning-Schulke’s enthusiastic reaction after his hand-offs.
Take the Next Step
Have you ever been in a rut? Maybe you were overwhelmed or uninspired. What did you do to get out of it? This article gives you a boost. In short: take the next best step.
5 Things I Love Lately:
- Making travel plans
- Bamboo House – a new Austin restaurant serving delish Peking duck
- Crepe myrtle trees in Austin had a big bloom this month
- Ted Lasso – finally watched this show!
- Corn ribs!? – This dish at Odd Duck is in the shape of ribs and loaded with spices
What have you been captivated by lately?