Captivations is a monthly feature with links, stories, and news that captivated me. It’s also a monthly update/recap of what’s going on in my world. Here’s a recap for April 2023.

April Recap
This month flew! It started with seeing Taylor Swift in concert (incredible) and involved a lot of trying new restaurants. You’ll have to wait until the end of the quarter to find out more about the restaurants but until then, you can see the most recent Flavors of the Month post and follow along on Instagram.
Make Something
I am on a search for a hobby. So much of what I do serves a purpose. What can I do for fun? Do you remember making art as a child? We don’t think about turning art into a business at that age. We simply do it because it’s fun and we have this calling. We don’t worry about it being perfect, as long as we like what we create. What I’m trying to say is, what you make as an adult doesn’t have to be perfect or have a higher purpose. Do things because you love them and see what happens.
This World
I’ve been thinking about the stress and struggle of raising kids in a society that makes it incredibly hard to do it. I can easily list a handful of ways. For example, this article was a good example: “It doesn’t matter how liberal Austin is. You still live in Texas.” I try not to only look at the doom and gloom. Plenty of my friends are raising children the best they can. But it’s very hard for me to weigh the pros and cons because the cons list always ends up longer. I don’t know what I don’t know, and in the end, I come back to something I read: “The question (about whether or not to have kids) is trying to predict regret. That is impossible because there will be regret on both sides.”
Color Your Home
My go-to style is minimalistic but because of the interior designers and fashionistas I follow, I’ve been craving bold color. I really enjoyed this article about simple ways to add color in your home.
No More Favors
I remember back when I was very into party planning, party favors were an important thing on my list. A part of creating a themed whimsical experience was something to remember it by. These days, the consensus is that branded wedding favors are out. Agreed!
Sustainable Living
The Rs of living sustainably has gone beyond reduce, reuse, recycle. Try rethink, refuse, reduce, reuse, re-gift, repair, rent, recycle, and rot. See it explained in this article.
Free Things With Friends
A lot of times, spending time with friends involves going out for a meal or drink, but there are plenty of other things you can do together if you’re looking for something different or want to save money. Here’s a list of things to do with friends.
10 Pieces of Advice
It’s always good to come back to these life advice lists to check in. You never know which one will resonate with you. Right now “go where the energy goes” is speaking to me.
There are heroes among us. The joke is McDonald’s soft serve machine is broken more times than it’s not. A software engineer created a website that shares machine status in real-time.
5 Things I Love Lately
- Trader Joe’s Lemon Madeleine Cookies
- Besame Ice Cream
- Being well and healthy (I was sick this month!)
- Exploring coffee shops
- Time with family
What have you been captivated by lately?