Wanderlust? Me too! My monthly Fearless Wanderlust posts will keep you informed about travel news and give you inspiration for your next trip.

This art and technology venue combines different media to give an immersive experience. It reminds me of the Hopscotch installation we had in Austin a few months ago. These are located in Washington D.C., Miami, and New York City. Have you been?
Travelers’ Choice Awards
TripAdvisor released its awards this year, which features top landmarks, hotels, museums, and more. My favorite part of the list was the top food and beverage experiences. You know I love food tours!
Ethically Responsible Souvenirs
Do you buy souvenirs on your travels? Will has to have a magnet for our fridge but I gave up my collections (small bears, currency, spoons) a long time ago. Now, if I happen upon a smashed penny machine, that’s my easy go-to. I’ve also got a pair of earrings or a scarf, which I like because I think about the destination when I wear them. For friends, I lean towards food products like candy or tea, especially when it’s a specialty in that city. This article gives some other tips about ethically responsible souvenirs.
Best Travel Backpack?
I’ve been using the same backpack for almost 18 years! It’s durable and spacious but I’ve also had trouble with all my stuff falling to the bottom because of its lack of structure. I like this backpack because of the separate camera section that keeps the camera from being jostled around in my bag. It’s also less intense than camera-only backpacks with compartments for multiple cameras and lenses. I wonder if has enough space though. Maybe I should just get some stiff packing cubes for my current backpack? Do you have a favorite carry-on travel bag?
Need complete rest and relaxation? How about renting a modern cabin in the middle of nowhere? These cabins are located outside of eight U.S. cities and promise to be a quiet and comfortable escape into the woods. Would you go?
Most Expensive Restaurants in the World
Spoiler alert: the most expensive restaurant on this list of 25 will cost you about $2,000 per person. I. KNOW. I haven’t dined at any of these restaurants yet (the cheapest on this list is $222 per person for a three-course meal), but one of my foodie friends is considering a bucket list birthday dinner at The French Laundry in California next year. That’s about $325-450 per person, so I’ll be over here eating beans and rice for a few months. (I think the most expensive restaurants I’ve dined at are Pujol and Otoko.)
Libraries as Tourist Attractions
Making books very cool, these libraries around the world have got people talking because of their incredible architecture. You’ve probably seen some of these in photos and not realized it was a library. Of course, Austin’s newest library makes the list. It’s got one of the best rooftop views in the city!
One of the countries at the top of my to-travel list is Portugal. We almost went there for our honeymoon. The food, diving, and culture draw me in and this list of best day trips from Lisbon doesn’t help either. Will thinks we should save most of Europe to visit when we are less spry 😉 but I have a feeling it will be sooner than we think.
Best Restaurants According to Food + Wine
You’ve seen top restaurant lists noted throughout my blog. I like these lists because there are plenty of people with more restaurant experience than me, and it’s good to consider their opinions. Food + Wine released their inaugural list of the world’s best restaurants. See the list here.
Read a fun article or hear some interesting travel news lately? Share in a comment below.
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