Wanderlust? Me too! My monthly Fearless Wanderlust posts will keep you informed about travel news and give you inspiration for your next trip.

Travel Recap
This month last year, we were being wowed by Egypt and getting engaged. This year, we went on a big honeymoon to Indonesia. We are incredibly grateful for these experiences! I had mixed feelings about Indonesia that I’m still trying to sort out. I’ve got more posts planned, so stay tuned and I’ll tell you about those mixed feelings eventually. For now, I’ll say Indonesia was everything (the diving) and nothing (the sights) like I hoped it to be.
New Interactive Dr. Seuss Exhibit
This new interactive exhibit is going on tour! It will immerse visitors in the world of Dr. Seuss. The exhibit opened in Toronto and there are plans to take it to Boston, Seattle, Houston, and more.
Cheese Conveyor Belt
I know I keep talking about London in my Fearless Wanderlust posts. Since Austin has a direct flight, I think signs are pointing to a trip! This restaurant’s cheese conveyor belt, the world’s first, has people talking. I’m bookmarking the restaurant Pick & Cheese for now.
New York’s Oldest Izakaya
An izakaya is a casual Japanese pub. This one in New York City seems like a fun place for late-night eats. (If you’re in Austin, the Tatsu-ya restaurants fill that void for us.)
Expert Money-Saving Travel Tips
If you’re traveling on a budget, this Business Insider article is for you. It’s filled with tips from seasoned travel writers. I also have this post of money-saving tips.
Eat in Dallas
Since it’s my hometown, you know I have a soft spot for Dallas. My restaurant list is growing faster than the number of times I visit! Bon Appetit recently named Dallas its food city of the year! This article gives great reasons why and some restaurant recommendations.
Traveling with Allergies
I can’t imagine what it’s like to travel with allergies, but thankfully, there are many resources today to help make the process easier. While it takes awareness and preparation, allergies shouldn’t keep someone from seeing the world. Allergy Travels is a great resource!
New Destinations for your Bucket List
Media has propelled travel destinations to the next level, so it’s time to think about visiting places that aren’t on your radar. These eight destinations are the next big thing, which hopefully means they are currently not as expensive or crowded now. Time to book a trip!
I don’t have big travel plans in the future, so everything is inspiring me to think about where to go next. Currently, I’m fascinated by Scandinavia – Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. This post from Along Dusty Roads gives a look at the beautiful landscapes of Sweden.
The Best Food Cities in the U.S.
Love food? Me too! This article by The Washington Post is a few years old, but I think the 10 cities listed are still very strong contenders as food cities. I’ve visited all of them before, but there are a handful of cities I would love to go back to for proper food research aka more eating. At the top of my list: Los Angeles.
Dream Trips
Indonesia was my number one bucket list place for so long, it’s a little strange to dream about anywhere else. That’s a similar feeling with most life goals. When it’s accomplished you then ask, “well, now what??” It’s also strange because there are actually so many places I want to visit, like these seven dream trips! Galapagos and Antarctica are on my long-term list. Do you have any dream destinations?
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