Wanderlust? Me too! My monthly Fearless Wanderlust posts will keep you informed about travel news and give you inspiration for your next trip.

The last time I posted a Fearless Wanderlust post was in July! We limited travel this summer and I’m sure many of you experienced the same. But we did go on a few getaways. We spent a few days in Wimberley and hung out in the Blanco River, we did a one-night staycation in downtown Austin for our anniversary, and we did a quick trip to Dallas for a wedding.
Travel for me has been local so far, but in a few days, I’ll be hopping on a plane for the first (and possibly only) time this year for a trip more than a year in the making, though we only recently decided to go for it. It’ll be very strange, as I am more risk-averse and have a bit of post-interaction anxiety when it comes to getting out in the world these days. But I’m looking forward to helping a friend celebrate his birthday and bringing tourism to a part of the U.S. city that needs it.
Americans Can Now Visit
Because of the U.S.’s inability to decrease cases, we’ve been barred from entering many countries around the world. But these countries are now open to U.S. citizens. Many require a negative test result to enter. I’ve seen a few people take advantage of cheaper flights to visit French Polynesia and the Caribbean is a shorter jump for a beach vacation.
French Polynesia
Speaking of French Polynesia, I met Fleming while traveling a few years ago and she and her husband took advantage of the cheaper options to visit. Here’s her post about the trip and budget tips.
National Parks Reopen
For those who want to travel domestically, here’s some information about National Parks and their status. For the most part, they are open with limited amenities.
Check Your Travel Insurance
Travel insurance is a big help when you have to cancel your trip, end up in the hospital during your trip, and a hundred different situations. It protects you and your assets so that you get the care and help you need. This post about travel insurance explains why it looks different than last year and why we should be more careful when we get it.
The Future of Travel
What does the future of travel look like? Give this post a read. I liked this quote the most: “It would take more than a pandemic to kill the desire for connection, to kill the thirst for novelty, and the drive to explore. Whether that’s right or wrong is subjective, but it is undeniably human nature.”
Where will you travel next?
P.S. The above picture is from my recent visit to Blue Hole Regional Park in Wimberley. If you’re looking for some local getaways, check out this post.
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